Chicago River [Explored]
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 9:03PM
Greg Jones in Chicago, Chicago, Explored, HDR, HDR, Travel, Travel

Highest position in Explore: #377 on Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I went to Chicago for my company's Creative Summit. A three day conference held for all of Parson's creatives company wide. There were graphic designers, 3D artists, writers, editors, coordinators and supervisors present. It was a great and valuable experience.
I stayed at the hotel Club Quarters at 75 Wacker. I was lucky enough to get a room on the 29th floor of the tower section of the hotel that overlooks the Chicago River.
This photo was taken by opening the window and extending my arms (but not my body) out as far as I could to take a 3 shot HDR. There was no way I could have managed my normal 10 shots. I had to use Photoshop's align layers function to compensate for my camera shake. Hand held HDR's are difficult, especially when taken from 300 feet above the ground.

Chicago River, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

Hotel window view

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