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to my personal blog. Here I post examples of my photography and writing. I specialize in making unique and highly detailed photographs. Notice I said making and not taking. Yes I take photos but a lot of time and work is involved in pushing and punishing the pixels in my images to achieve the look I like.

Please feel free make comments about any of my words or photos. I enjoy constructive critiques, learning about locations to shoot or photography techniques. Click on the "Share Article" link to share any of my photos via Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

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Can't we all just get along?

Entries in Car Show (121)


Sunset over a Classic Chevy

A beautiful sunset is reflected in the paint of this amazing classic Chevy. Kathy read about a car show on Crossroads Parkway so we drove over to see what might show up. Turned out to be a big show. Lots of cool classic cars plus quite a few lowrider impala type cars too. The sun set pretty quickly after we arrived so we had to shoot fast.


'48 Gumby

'48 Gumby, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

the Bob's Big Boy Broiler this Saturday. Kathy and I walked around and didn't see much we wanted to shoot. I put my camera away and just then 3 or 4 really nice Bombs drove in. Works every time. Whenever I put my camera away great cars show up. Anyway, this is a really nice 1948 Chevy. I think Kathy said she had seen it before.


Make Mine a '59

Make Mine a '59, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

Even in the dark parking lot at the Bob's Big Boy Broiler, this amazing 1959 Cadillac shines brightly. This was another tough one to photograph. Lots of people walking right through my shot. Either people are unaware that I am photographing the entire vehicle or they're getting pretty rude. As a result I had to combine the tone mapped image with several of the individual exposures, masking away images of the people who walked through my long exposures. Oh well, I like the end result so that's cool.


'57 Twin Fin

'57 Twin Fin, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

It always seems that when the sky gets cloudy, classic car owners put their cars in the garage. Not a single rain drop is going to fall on their custom paint job. The bummer with that is that HDR makes cloudy skies look amazing. I got lucky with this shot. The clouds rolled in after the car show got started so I had a chance to catch this amazing '57 out of its element. You can see the owner reflected in the trunk. He kept a close eye on my big tripod and camera which was just about a foot away from his cars tail fin. Viva la wide angle lens baby!


Pink Flames - Drop and Chop

This 1940's chopped Mercury was sitting at show center during the 2010 Uptown Whittier Car Show. The translucent flames on the hood and front fenders were only visible when the light hit them just right. The car itself was clean inside and out. What a great way to start my day photographing these classic cars. I like the dice on the valve stems. They match the fuzzy ones hanging from the rear view mirror.


The Mean Green

The Mean Green, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

Here's another shot of this amazing green Chevelle I saw at the Bob's Big Boy Broiler. This side view better shows how reflective this car is.


Angel's Flight

Angel's Flight, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

When I first saw this '65 Ford Fairlane I immediately noticed it's paint was reflecting the car next to it like a deep blue mirror. The clarity of the paint was evident even under the yellowish overhead light of the Bob's Big Boy Broiler in Downey. Cars like this just can't be captured with a single photo. Only high dynamic range photography can do them justice.


Tom's '54 Bel Aire

Tom's '54 Bel Aire, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

"What a pleasant surprise to discover that you can run the new 1954 Chevy Belaire with the kind of money that fits a young man's budget." This absolutely clean 1954 Chevy Belair was parked at the Bob's Big Boy Broiler's Wednesday night car show in Downey. I was really struggling to get a good shot of it. First people kept walking through the shot and other cars arriving and leaving swept their headlights over it during the long exposures. I do like how it turned out though. The paint was highly reflective and I'm sure even more spectacular during daylight.


Swell Chevelle

Swell Chevelle, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

I think this is a Chevelle but I'm not sure what year. Kathy and I went to the Broiler on Wednesday and I met several members of the Sultan's Car Club from Long Beach. This was one of the Sultan's cars. This was a tough shot because people kept walking through my long exposures. I had to wave several people away but not everyone heeded my wishes.


1950's SUV

1950's SUV, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.

This is a beautiful Chevy Bel-Aire station wagon. Not sure what year it is but maybe 1943 or so. Anybody know? This 10 shot HDR was taken at the Ruby's car show in WhittierCalifornia. I got there late and the sun had already started to set casting nice golden light around this very reflective car.