Big Pixel Pushing!

Big Pixel Pushing!, originally uploaded by big_pixel_pusher.
I took the photo on the left using my camera's program mode. The photo on the right is the result of 3 bracketed shots processed in Lightroom, Photomatix, Photoshop, Noiseware and Topaz Adjust in various proportions. As I stood in the exhibit hall I was struck by the beautiful quality of the light raining down from the wall of glass and skylights above me. But as I expected, my camera was unable to handle this wide range of light. The answer? HDR of course! The look I can achieve pushes beyond the reality of the actual scene and to my taste, makes for a much more engaging experience for the viewer. This is what I call "Big Pixel Pushing!"
Reader Comments (3)
hi! i actually comented you earlier this month and featured you in my old blog which you commented and im really starting to get interested in HDR works, im jsut wondering what programs you use or any additional help/tips you can give me :D:D xo anything would be really really appreciated!!
Hey Lauren,
Yup I remember you and your Blog. Thanks for commenting on mine. As far as advice goes, here in a nutshell is my workflow. I typically shoot 10 bracketed shots for every HDR image I intend to create. You can get by with less, but I have found I get much better quality with 10. I shoot all of my images in RAW format, converting them to DNG format using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. I then import those DNG files into Photomatix and tonemap them. Specific settings vary a lot image to image so no specific settings to share with you there. I then take the 16 bit TIF file that Photomatix creates and open it in Photoshop for color and tonal adjustments. I also reduce noise and sharpen the image. I often run Topaz Adjust on the image to enhance detail as well. That's pretty much it. Let your eyes be your guide. Good luck. If you post some of your HDR images let me know so I can check them out.
Take care,
thank you so much for replying! it means a lot that you would take the time! :):) i will do my best over the weekend and hopefully will have something to show you next week! thank you so much again! you have been very very helpful!! xox