Old Iron Horse at Havre Montana

I was sitting in the observation car of the Empire Builder train, busily putting away by camera gear and iPad when one of the tiny screws holding my glasses together decided to come loose and skid across the table. I am widely acknowledged by my family as having very little hand eye coordination but I somehow was able to lunge for the tiny fastener, catching in my hand as it fell off the edge of the table preventing it from disappearing forever. As I was using a tiny screwdriver to reassemble my glasses, the conductor announced that we were going to stop for 15 minutes at Harve, Montana. I hadn't stepped off the train since leaving Portland so I decided to stretch my legs and enjoy the fresh air. The fresh air was cold. The temperature was 47F which is about 50F colder than California. When I alighted from the train the first thing I saw was this amazing old locomotive. I took a couple of photos with my cell phone but being predictably unsatisfied with them, I broke out my Sony a6000 and shot a lot of photos from different perspectives, including 18 photos that make up this HDR panorama. Unfortunately, I don't have any iPad software that can correct the wide angle bowed distortion which appeared when I stitched the six HDR brackets, each consisting of 3 shots spaced every 2ev. I think I also "over cooked" this image a bit. I may replace it later with a version that doesn't make my eyes bleed.

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