Jump in, the water's wine

This photo conveys California's amazing weather better that any other image I have ever made. This was taken in early October, the sun was so warm and the cobalt sky was completely devoid of clouds.
Kathy and I were on our second Hearst Castle tour of the day and when we climbed the steps that led to the extraordinary Neptune pool, I was once again overwhelmed by the grandeur and beauty of this place. I reflected on how wonderfully situated it is on the "enchanted hillside". Architect Julia Morgan once said she drew inspiration from the pools she saw in Mediterranean villas and Roman baths while studying in Europe.
Two curved colonnades and an ancient Roman temple set the stage for the beautiful mythological statues carved by Charles Cassou.
Holding 345,000 gallons of spring water, this is one of the largest and most expensive pools built for a private residence in the world.
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